The Catholic Citizen

The Catholic Citizen is dedicated to helping Catholics navigate how to live their faith in a secular world and engage the culture to help build the Kingdom of God, particularly in politics. Brought to you by the biased opinion of Peter Range, the show is a mix of faith, culture, politics, the pro-life movement and much more.

Peter Range

Peter Range graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Masters in Theology with a focus in Biblical Studies in 2009. Preceding Notre Dame, Peter received his Bachelor of Arts in History from John Carroll University in 2004. Peter has worked in ministries that include serving immigrant families in Florida, inner-city youth in Cleveland, university students in Bowling Green, Ohio, and the homeless in Cleveland and Toledo.

In the summer of 2014 Peter assumed leadership of the Respect Life Office and he is now the Director for the Office for Life and Justice for the Diocese of Toledo through Catholic Charities. Peter also host’s his own radio show called “Say Yes to Life” which airs every Thursday at 4 pm on Annunciation Radio.

The fifth of six children, Peter is passionate about family, service and encountering the one true God, Jesus Christ. Peter is married to his wife, Laura and they reside in northwest Ohio. They have four children: Ignatius Allen, who is in heaven, Gianna Rose, John Paul, and Joseph Peter

 Make sure to check out Peter Range’s series on how to discern your vote as a Catholic from the 2020 presidential election!


 Catholic media, events, & community


The Catholic Citizen
Hosted by Peter Range

Pete Range Pete Range

15. Biden, Texas, and Hope in God

Peter gets fired up over new policies and events of the week, including President Biden’s refusal to speak out against China’s genocide against the Uyghurs, claiming they cannot be condemned for their “cultural norms”. Public schools in NYC are now pushing “the 8 white identities” as a way for students to reflect on their whiteness in an effort to eliminate “white supremecy culture”. The recent winter storm, which froze the energy sources in Texas creating a wide-spread black-out. The results of “Defund the Police” in Minneapolis. And much much more.

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Pete Range Pete Range

14. Impeachment, Homeschooling, and the Anthem

Peter addresses the progress in the Impeachment Trial of former President Trump, in spite of the ongoing investigation. How the WHO quietly changed their protocal for confirming COVID-19 cases directly after Joe Biden was inaugurated, causing a dramatic drop in case numbers. A feminist lawyer/author's call for a “crackdown” on Homeschoolers claiming that “far-right” Christian parents are guilty of mis-educating their children and possibly even of abuse. And finally, how the National Anthem is being slowly cancelled in the name of “inclusion” and “tolerance”.

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Pete Range Pete Range

13. Censorship, China, and Why Peter Might go to Jail

In this episode Peter takles the danger of identity politics and how this has been used to “cancel” or censor people for their personal political views. The potential for a Biden “reality czar” being appointed in order to save American’s from the danger of free thought and being caught up in conspiracy theories. Biden’s decision to re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement, even though it gives a pass to the two largest contributors to global pollution. China’s oppression and systemic destruction of the Uighurs and other minorities. And finally how local ordinances are being passed in order to further prevent pro-lifers from reaching out to women in crisis pregnancies.

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Pete Range Pete Range

12. Gov. Cuomo, Biden, and Archbishop Aquila

In this episode Peter addresses the sudden willingness to reopen economies in Democrat run cities and states shortly after Biden takes office, despite the call to reopen long before. Revelations regarding Governer Cuomo’s failure to properly handle the COVID crisis in his state while receiving awards for his supposed exemplary measures. In addition, president Biden has signed an unpresidented number of executive orders (over 30) within his first five days in office. This same man called former President Trump a “dictator” for signing just four orders in his first five days of office. Finally, Archbishop Aquila of Denver speaks out agaisnt the anti-catholic legislation being promulgated by current “catholic” politicians.

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Pete Range Pete Range

11. Roe v Wade, Bill Gates, and Transgender Health

This week marks the 48th anniversary of Roe v Wade. Nothing else on the planet is taking more innocent lives than abortion. It is our duty to continue to stand for true Catholic values by defending the lives of the unborn. So-called Catholic politicians must be held accountable for enacting legislation which go directly against Catholic moral teaching.

In this episode Peter also discusses the poor treatment of the National Guard after the Inauguration of President Joe Biden. The newest scheme by Bill Gates to dim the sun by spraying non-toxic dust into the atmosphere in order to “offset” global warming. As well as the incredible health and social concerns connected to transgenderism.

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Pete Range Pete Range

10. Farmland, Impeachment, and Jesus Christ

In this episode Peter discusses the second Impeachment of President Trump. Was it truly justified? How censorship in social media has a long list of inconsistencies. As well as the shocking information that farmland within the US is largely being bought up by foreign entities. With all of the craziness in the world we must remind ourselves that Jesus Christ is Lord and the importance of cultivating our relationship with Him over anything else. We will only find lasting peace when we search Him with all of our hearts. So friends, let us pursue Christ and let the rest follow.

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Pete Range Pete Range

9. Capitol Chaos

In this episode Peter will address the general mayhem of the Capitol Hill Protests that occured on Jan 6th, the tragedy resulting from the chaos, as well as the president’s words and our responsibility as concerned citizens to live lives that uphold the dignity of each individual.

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Pete Range Pete Range

8. The Good, the Bad, & the Essential

In this episode Peter discusses the most pressing issues leading into 2021. From new abortion bills within the US and abroad, the need for Church leadership and families to openly talk about politics, President Trump’s timely words on St. Thomas Becket, the right to question election integrity, to what it means to be "essential", and so much more.

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Pete Range Pete Range

7. Vaccines and Moral Culpability

In this episode Peter discusses how politicians can change their views, the continued fight for pro-life legislation, and the morality behind the new COVID-19 vaccines. Abortion has played a role in the development of vaccines in the United States. So how are we, as Christians, meant to respond to the moral dilemma of using a vaccine that utilizes aborted fetal cell lines?

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Pete Range Pete Range

6. Legislation, Church, and the Fire Within

Peter Range discusses new legislation including an Ohio bill requiring respectful treatment of fetal remains, a possible reversal of the Hyde Amendment, and Biden’s new pick to lead the Department of HHS, Javier Becerra. Additionally, Peter discusses the loss of jobs, general happiness and mental health levels across the country, and STATS on how regular church attendance can improve one's mental state.

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Pete Range Pete Range

5. Government is Not God

Pete Range addresses certain aspects of government and it’s attempt at playing god through new laws, restrictions, hypocritical messaging, and preferential treatment. Among these issues is a potential new abortion law in New Jersey, governor Cuomo’s attempt to discriminate against religious institutions in the name of public health, the rising death toll in nursing homes due to negligence, and hypocrisy within leadership regarding COVID measures causing people to distrust the seriousness of the pandemic.

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Pete Range Pete Range

4. The Value of Life

In this episode of the Catholic Citizen Pete Range discusses issues surrounding the value of life and faith in our society. Life and the intrinsic value it holds are foundational to Catholic teaching. From medically assisted suicide, to silencing pro-life groups, to moral confusion within the Church there are many things to talk about and fight for.

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Pete Range Pete Range

3. Policy, Hypocrisy and Catholics

In this episode of the “Catholic Citizen” we continue to address current events and American politics. Pete Range discusses a wrongful life lawsuit, the Fairness Act HB 369, COVID-19 restrictions as well as Catholic voting trends.

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Pete Range Pete Range

2. Biden/Harris Task Force

In this episode of "The Catholic Citizen" Peter Range takes a closer look at some of the individuals who Biden plans to bring on his presidential task force. We look at what each specialist brings to the table, their history, and what that might mean for the nation.

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Pete Range Pete Range

1. Election Update

In the premiere episode of "The Catholic Citizen" Peter Range takes a deeper dive into the election and calls us all to fervent prayer in the days ahead!

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