The Catholic Vote
with Peter Range
A partnership with
Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Toledo.
Please enjoy this introduction to, The Catholic Vote.
Beginning September 12, 2019
at 7:00 PM
An 8-part mini-series navigating some of the most challenging topics we face in 2020, what the Catholic Church has to say about them, and comparing the Church's teachings up to the Democrat and Republican party platforms.
(See topics below)
Catholic Social Teaching - 9/12/20
Abortion - 9/19/20
Marriage and the Family - 9/26/20
Religious Liberty - 10/3/20
Immigration - 10/10/20
Racism - 10/17/20
Socialism - 10/24/20
The Environment - 10/31/20
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5. Government is Not God
Pete Range addresses certain aspects of government and it’s attempt at playing god through new laws, restrictions, hypocritical messaging, and preferential treatment. Among these issues is a potential new abortion law in New Jersey, governor Cuomo’s attempt to discriminate against religious institutions in the name of public health, the rising death toll in nursing homes due to negligence, and hypocrisy within leadership regarding COVID measures causing people to distrust the seriousness of the pandemic.
4. The Value of Life
In this episode of the Catholic Citizen Pete Range discusses issues surrounding the value of life and faith in our society. Life and the intrinsic value it holds are foundational to Catholic teaching. From medically assisted suicide, to silencing pro-life groups, to moral confusion within the Church there are many things to talk about and fight for.
3. Policy, Hypocrisy and Catholics
In this episode of the Catholic Citizen we continue to address current events and American politics. Pete Range discusses a wrongful life lawsuit, the Fairness Act HB 369, COVID-19 restrictions as well as Catholic voting trends.
2. Biden/Harris Task Force
In this episode of "The Catholic Citizen" Peter Range takes a closer look at some of the individuals who Biden plans to bring on his presidential task force. We look at what each specialist brings to the table, their history, and what that might mean for the nation.
1. Election Update
In the premiere episode of "The Catholic Citizen" Peter Range takes a deeper dive into the election and calls us all to fervant prayer in the days ahead!
8. The Environment
In this week’s episode Peter Range looks at the essential call for Catholics to care for our environment, or what Pope Francis calls our ‘common home’. Peter also wraps up the series with powerful words from Bishop Thomas and looks forward to continuing the venture to help form hearts, minds and consciences with “The Catholic Citizen”. Don’t miss this final episode of “The Catholic Vote”!
7. Socialism
In this week’s episode Peter Range takes on the subject of socialism including its history, presence in our nation, and ultimately its dangers if followed.
5. Immigration
In this week’s episode Peter Range takes a deeper look at the issue of immigration and demonstrates how Catholics can reject the extreme positions on either end of the political spectrum while embracing an authentically Catholic approach to welcoming the foreigner and securing our borders.
4. Religious Freedom
In this week’s episode Peter Range looks at the first liberty granted by God to man: religious liberty. This fundamental liberty, or freedom, is incredibly important to us as believers and as you will learn is under attack in our nation at an increasing rate. Watch as Peter explores religious liberty’s foundations, the party platforms and Church teaching as we continue to form our conscience with the heart of the Church
3. Marriage and the Family
In this episode Peter range explains why the right to life is the foundation of every other human right, and why every Catholic must place the right to life as the preeminent issue of concern when they go to vote. Peter further explores the Democratic and Republican party platforms and where these two major parties stand on this foundational issue.
2. Abortion
In this episode Peter range explains why the right to life is the foundation of every other human right, and why every Catholic must place the right to life as the preeminent issue of concern when they go to vote. Peter further explores the Democratic and Republican party platforms and where these two major parties stand on this foundational issue.
1. Catholic Social Teaching
In this episode Peter Range provides an overview of Catholic Social Teaching while focusing on its foundational principle, the dignity of the human person. Finally, Peter finishes with a call to be Saints for a world in desperate need of Christ’s truth, love and mercy.