10. Farmland, Impeachment, and Jesus Christ

Episode Description

In this episode Peter discusses the second Impeachment of President Trump. Was it truly justified? How censorship in social media has a long list of inconsistencies. As well as the shocking information that farmland within the US is largely being bought up by foreign entities. With all of the craziness in the world we must remind ourselves that Jesus Christ is Lord and the importance of cultivating our relationship with Him over anything else. We will only find lasting peace when we search Him with all of our hearts. So friends, let us pursue Christ and let the rest follow.

Video Version

Audio Version


NPR - American Soil is Increasingly Foreign Owned

Family Research Council - Impeachment: We Never Think About the Consequences

The Daily Wire - If Trump is Guilty of 'Incitement' Then so Are Half the Democrats in Congress

The Daily Wire - 7 Twitter Accounts That Have Promoted Violence But Have Never Been Banned

Twitter Accounts

  • Ayatollah Khamenei (@khamenei_ir)

    • Supreme Leader of Iran calling for the destruction of Isreal.

  • Zabiullah Mujahid (@Zabehulah_M33)

    • Spokesman for the Taliban. Has called for the death of Americans as well as anyone who stands in the way of Islam. Mujahid’s account has amassed over 147,000 followers, and his account appears free of any “fact checks” or warnings from Twitter admins.

  • Kathy Griffin (@KathyGriffin)

    • “comedian” turned wannabe political activist, is now perhaps best known for a photo she posted holding a bloody replica of Donald Trump’s decapitated head.

Episode Sponsor

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Pete Range

Peter Range graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Masters in Theology with a focus in Biblical Studies in 2009. Preceding Notre Dame, Peter received his Bachelor of Arts in History from John Carroll University in 2004. Peter has worked in ministries that include serving immigrant families in Florida, inner-city youth in Cleveland, university students in Bowling Green, Ohio, and the homeless in Cleveland and Toledo. 

In the summer of 2014 Peter assumed leadership of the Respect Life Office and he is now the Director for the Office for Life and Justice for the Diocese of Toledo through Catholic Charities. Peter also host’s his own radio show called “Say Yes to Life” which airs every Thursday at 4 pm on Annunciation Radio. 

The fifth of six children, Peter is passionate about family, service and encountering the one true God, Jesus Christ. Peter married his wife, Laura, in May of 2015. They reside in Haskins Ohio and they have four children: their son, Ignatius Allen, who is in heaven, their four year old daughter Gianna Rose, their son John Paul, who is 2 years old and their son Joseph Peter, born April 5th of this year.

Peter V. Range

Director, Office for Life and Justice
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Toledo
419-244-6711 ext. 4933


11. Roe v Wade, Bill Gates, and Transgender Health


9. Capitol Chaos