Physically Spiritual
Andrew dives into the relationship between science and spirituality, and how deeper understandings about the interplay between biology, psychology, and theology can help us discover and become the best, healthiest versions of ourselves. Combining the best insights from faith and reason are the key to go from surviving to thriving.
Andrew Reinhart
Andrew is the Parish Manager at Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio and has spent more than a decade in full time ministry. He holds a MA in Catholic Thought from St. Meinrad School of Theology and a BA in philosophy from the Pontifical College Josephinum.
Andrew’s Website
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Physically Spiritual
Hosted by Andrew Reinhart
5. Sin is a Symptom
Join Andrew as he begins a series about healing. In Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI states "When understood at a sufficiently deep level, [healing] expresses the entire content of 'redemption.'" This episode will explore how we experience healing by comparing it to contemporary forms of medicine.
4. Three Lies About Growth
Join Andrew Reinhart as he exposes three lies about growth. The truths on the other side of these lies illuminate three essentials to growth that can help us become the person we are called to be.
3. Evolution and Creation
In this episode of Physically Spiritual, Andrew explores evolution and creation. Are these ideas contradictory or complementary? Tune in to find out.
1. The Story of a Body
In the first episode of Physically Spiritual, Andrew shares how his story of personal transformation reveals the intimate connection of body and soul.