The Men’s Show

Discussions, debates, and drinks about Theology, Philosophy, the Church, and life.
Hosted by Rob Hohler
Nick De La Torre
Father Jeff Walker
Father Peter Grodi
Mike Tenney
JonMarc Grodi
Peter Range
Matt Pindoley
The Men’s Show
Hosted by Kevin Jorrey
37. REAL MEN Love a Challenge
The world is trying to make men feminine so we can be CONTROLLED. Making us slaves to social media, sports, pornography, donuts, and hot showers. Just like the Israelites in the Book of Exodus, it would be so much easier just to go back to Egypt and be slaves so we can have full bellies and empty souls. But what if we could be MORE?!
36. Ab*rtion, Men & The March For Life ft. Peter Range
Does AB*RTION really have anything to do with human rights? Join the men as they discuss how abortion has affected our nation, the March for Life, and why men are an integral part of the equation.
35. Exodus 90 and FAKE Masculine Gurus
Join The Men as they talk about their New Year's Resolutions, starting Exodus 90, and the growing fad of fake masculinity gurus trying to make a quick buck. All this and more on this week's edition of The Men's Show!
34. GOOD vs BAD Hobbies
The Men are chastised by a woman for smoking in the house while talking about hobbies. Can The Men fight against this feminine oppressor? Can they be manly enough to have virtuous hobbies? Listen for yourself to see how The Men get out of this sticky situation!
33. How a Catholic Disciples His Bros
The Men discuss how inadequate they all are and try to figure out a way to change that. What is discipleship? How do you know if you’re ready to disciple someone else? What is the best way to disciple? Can you disciple someone while also being discipled yourself? Can you disciple a discipling discipler in a disciplined way? WHAT!? This awesome episode dives into the NITTY GRITTY of turning your bros into Saints!
32. How Catholics Discern the Body and Blood of Christ
The Men discuss the discernment process before going to receive the Holy Eucharist. What is Mortal Sin? Why do we need to be concerned about it and how to discern if we’ve fallen into it. Listen to this episode to dive deeper into discerning the Body and Blood of Christ!
31. Synod on Synodality? What the…!?
I heard you like Synods so here’s some Synods for your Synods.
Join us as The Men use the Synod on Synodality to launch into a discussion about the relationship between the Laity and the Clergy.
30. Good Humor vs Bad Habits
In this profoundly honest episode The Men discuss how humor points to deeper truths within each person. We all need a little comedy in our lives. But between joy, fun, jokes, and flippancy how can we discern what is appropriate and what is going too far? Join us as we discuss the relationship between humor and humility, how each man views his own humorous tendencies, and what certain legendary, Christian authors have had to say on the matter.
29. Living in the Moment
The men discuss how to live in the present moment and the richness of a life in focus. What keeps us from being fully present to those around us? How often do we simply dwell in the presence of God? What do focus and meditation have to do with this? All of this and more in today's episode!
28. Investments, Retirement, and Righteous Spending
The men discuss MONEY: How to spend it, good vs bad investments, and whether or not catholics should have a retirement fund. What is the proper Catholic approach to saving vs spending and how should the family man budget? All of this and more in today's episode!
Join our patron community at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen (and Ladies are invited too).
27. Masks, Vaccines, and MANdates
On this episode of the Catholic Men's Show, the guys discuss a handful of timely, sticky topics around vaccines, public health mandates, and individual responsibility to research and inform one's conscience. It gets dicey at moments. I blame the lack of whiskey. But that's what this show is about: doing our best to practice and exemplify manly virtues in tough conversation.
Join our patron community at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen (and Ladies are invited too).
26. The Sabbath: Day of Rest or Day of STRESS?
On this episode of the Catholic Men's Show, the Men discuss prayer, relationships, busyness, and Fr. Jeff challenges us: how well (or poorly) do we celebrate the Sabbaths of life? — the Sunday sabbath days commanded by God, but also the additional "minor" and "major" sabbaths that every Christian should be trying to incorporate into their Rule of Life.
25. Manly Accountability
The Men discuss the biblical image of sharpening each other in the Christian life as “iron sharpens iron” and discuss examples of where/when this has occurred well (or not) in their lives. How do we invite and offer productive, positive, and constructive fraternal accountability, correction, and encouragement to each other in boldly and radically “running the race” of our call to holiness? How do we build this into the culture of our families, friendships, parishes, etc.
24. Bodily Health, Self-Love, and Sainthood
It’s men’s night, the dudes have assembled, and we’re getting down to brass-tacks on what place (if any) care for bodily health and well-being fit in the life of a Christian MAN who is trying to respond to God’s call to holiness. Is it a high priority? A low priority? OR do we perhaps look at these question all WRONG. In this episode of the Awaken Catholic Men’s Show, the guys will discuss the (apparent) paradox of self-love/self-care in the life of the Christian, the connection of bodily health and well-being to fulfilling vocational responsibilities, Pride and Sloth as twin vices in opposition to Humility and Holy Ambition, and much more.
23. Everyday Discernment
When it comes to vocational discernment, we can often find ourselves wondering if we're making the right decisions. But God is not inviting us to be in a relationship with Him where He tells us exactly what to do. Rather, He's calling us to trust Him as he leads us on the way. The men discuss why there are no "higher" vocations above others, self-less self-preservation, and why discernment is an everyday process.
22. Is "Cool" a Virtue or Vice?
What does it mean to be cool? Why do we admire those who are cool? Apart from being something we think is neat, it's also come to mean not letting anything phase you. Grasping at "coolness" seems to be grasping at an aspect of holiness: "Knowing who you truly are and not caring what the world thinks."
21. The Fruit We Bear Matters
Join the men as they discuss a common mistake many people make in their spiritual journey. Many of us focus so much on "not doing sins". While that's important, we often miss out on the importance of other aspects of spiritual growth, such as prayer and the fruits of service. The men call out the Pharisees from the Bible, talk about the kinds of fruit we need to bear, and putting God first in our schedules. There's no standing still in the spiritual life!
20. Education for the Soul
The men discuss education, Catholic schools, and homeschooling. Public schools, Catholic schools, and Homeschooling all go head-to-head as the dudes discuss what we should expect out of our schools. How can schools help students be the family for each other? How do we prevent bullying? What is education all about? All this, and more is brought to the forefront in this episode.
19. Cussing, Swearing, & Potty Mouths
The men discuss swearing, blaspheming, cussing, cursing, and all manner of vulgar language. Are they just words? In what circumstances is it okay to use this kind of speech? The men address taking the Lord’s name in vain, and what this may tell about the state of a person’s soul. They also talk about the power of words to build people up or tear them down, as well as the strength words have to change reality.
18. What’s the Deal With Vulnerability?
The men address what it means to be vulnerable, the beauty of self-revelation, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Though men tend to bury their emotions, it’s not specificly a feminine attribute to show emotions as society seems to think. Trust and vulnerability are integral parts of love, but it can be scary to let people truly know you. It can be even scarier to let God fully know and love you, especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but freedom can be found when we completely trust Him.