10. The Jedi & Jesus - The Skywalker Saga

Journey with us to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away to plumb the depths of the Star Wars mythos. Awaken Catholic veterans Jon Marc Grodi (Elevate Ordinary, The Men’s Show) and Rob Hohler (The Men’s Show) join Mike for some major nerd time. We discuss:
-Is the force kinda sorta maybe like the Holy Spirit?
-What to do after a powerful religious experience
-Religious people and Jedi who abuse their power
-The way of non-violence
-What is balance?
-Are force ghosts kinda sorta maybe like the intercession of the saints?
-Christian communion vs the diabolical unity of the Sith
-What’s wrong with the world?
-Our favorite characters
-Why the Hallow App should include Star Wars meditations
-who wins in the end: the palpatines or the skywalkers?
-And much more!

Video Version

Audio Version

Mike Tenney

Mike is a worship leader, speaker, writer, husband, and father. He is passionate about helping Catholics all over the country to help find peace and purpose in the love, mission, and Church of Jesus Christ.


11. Rage Against the Machine & Catholic Social Teaching w/ Kyle Heimann


9. Frozen - Into the Unknown w/ the Rheam Team