11. Rage Against the Machine & Catholic Social Teaching w/ Kyle Heimann

Note: This episode was recorded in November 2020.

Mike is joined by Redeemer Radio host Kyle Heimann to plumb the rock/rap/funk political mele that is Rage Against the Machine. Their music is as relevant now as it ever was. Mike & Kyle bust out the guitars and uke’s to see what Tom Morello riffs they can still play. We cover a LOT of controversial political topics so prepare yourself:
Racism and police brutality
Which political party Catholics belong in
Culture, eurocentrism and the liturgy
revolution vs reform
liberation theology & social justice
The breakdown of the family
Fancy terms from Catholic Social Teaching
A tea party with John Paul II and Zac De La Rocha
Storming the gates of hell
Apathy, silence, and sins of omission
The culture of death
Patriotism vs nationalism
Why I call this show Pop Culture Catechism

Video Version

Audio Version



Rig rundown of Tom Morello’s guitar and pedals

Centesimus Annus - John Paul II’s encyclical on Social Justice and Economics. Paragraph 42 is what we reference in the episode:

United States Bishops on the 2 Feet of Love in Action: Social Justice and Charitable Works

Liberation Theology - what was condemned by the church and what wasn’t


Spotify Playlist of the songs in this episode:

Mike Tenney

Mike is a worship leader, speaker, writer, husband, and father. He is passionate about helping Catholics all over the country to help find peace and purpose in the love, mission, and Church of Jesus Christ.


12. The Umbrella Academy Family Values w/ Tony Vasinda


10. The Jedi & Jesus - The Skywalker Saga