17. Sacred Story with Fr. Bill Watson S.J.

 In his letter on prayer, “Rejoice and be Glad”, Pope Francis says “Think of your own history when you pray, and there you will find much mercy.” God wants to enter the particulars of our life and heal us. Fr. Bill Watson SJ, the founder & president of the Sacred Story Institute, is joins the show this episode, to discuss the evidence based ways that Ignatian Spirituality can heal the deleterious effects of our modern lifestyle.

Video Version

Audio Version


2:00 - Introduction to Fr. Bill Watson S.J.

4:00 - Sacred Story Institute

5:30 - The Ignatian Examen

22:00 - St. Ignatius of Loyola

33:00 - The Spiritual Exercises

36:00 - “40 Weeks” Retreat

47:30 - The Neuroscience of Faith 

52:00 - Science Makes Faith Relevant


Get Fr. Bill’s Books - https://sacredstory.net/books/


“Think of your own history when you pray, and there you will find much mercy.” Pope Francis, “Rejoice and be Glad”, 153.

Sacred Story Institute - https://sacredstory.net/

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/SacredStoryInstitute

Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/32551

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SacredStoryInstitute

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sacredstoryinstitute/channel/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/StorySacred

Podcast - https://sacredstory.net/podcasts/

Fr. Bill Watson, S.J. - https://sacredstory.net/fr-william-m-watson-s-j-d-min/

St. Ignatius and the Examen - https://sacredstory.net/resources/ignatius-of-loyola/

Sacred Story Institute Programs - https://sacredstory.net/programs/

The Spiritual Exercises - https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-spiritual-exercises/

40 Weeks (Spiritual Exercises at home) - https://sacredstory.net/40weeks/

“Neuroscience of Faith” - SSY Video - https://vimeo.com/460231379

“The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Age_of_Surveillance_Capitalism

Read more about Becoming Gift at https://www.becominggift.com/post/becoming-gift
Get support applying the ideas from this podcast at https://www.becominggift.com/coach

Andrew Reinhart

Andrew is the Parish Manager at Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio and has spent more than a decade in full time ministry. He holds a MA in Catholic Thought from St. Meinrad School of Theology and a BA in philosophy from the Pontifical College Josephinum.


18. Universal Call


16. Antagonistic Pleiotropy and Holiness