11. Every Cell Remembers

Video Version

Audio Version

Time Stamps

1:30 - Everything we do is important.

2:45 - Epigenetics

4:30 - Examples of Epigenetic Shifts

7:30 - The Good News

9:45 - Everything is information for the body.

11:45 - Mismatch Theory

15:30 - Epigenetics and Change

Show Notes

Epigenetics ("Epi" = Over) - Gene expression

Introduction to Epigenetics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aAhcNjmvhc

"There is also a section of Epigenetic expressions that are affected by our choices and environment. We have power over which of our genes express themselves and which of our genes are silenced."


Exercise and Addiction - A 2018 study published in Frontiers of Psychiatry found that a group doing moderate exercise 5 days a week for 30 minutes experienced epigenetic changes that reinforced abstinence from alcohol - https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00594/full#h3

Mother to Child - A 2016 article published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry found an association between maternal diet and methylation of genes associated with hyperactive symptoms - https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jcpp.12589

Father to Child - A 2014 study published in the journal, Nature Neuroscience found that epigenetic markers associated with metabolic and behavioral were passed on from father to child - https://www.nature.com/articles/nn.3695 

"The good news is you can change! If your genes can be switched in ways that are unhelpful for you, they can also be switched back."

Genotype + (Actions + Environment) = Phenotype

Nature Bathing - https://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20190611/forest-bathing-nature-time-hot-health-advice

Find more of my reflections on Epigenetics at https://www.becominggift.com/post/epigenetics

Andrew Reinhart

Andrew is the Parish Manager at Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio and has spent more than a decade in full time ministry. He holds a MA in Catholic Thought from St. Meinrad School of Theology and a BA in philosophy from the Pontifical College Josephinum.


12. The Tiger in Your Inbox


10. The Intelligence of the Body