Naked Without Shame
Theology of the Body and What it Means to be Human is an exploration of Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body which is at the core of what it means to be human. In our over-sexualized culture, we have lost our way when it comes to love, sex, marriage and God’s truth. This program will examine why God made us the way He did and what His plan is for us. We will shine a light on our current culture and see why God’s truth is the remedy we need to find true happiness. Join us for what can truly be a life-changing experience!
Megan Burwell & Morgan Holliger
Megan Burwell
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Megan received a degree in Speech Language Pathology from Bowling Green State University. Her greatest passion though, lies in learning about the human person through the teachings of the Theology of the Body. This passion brought her to Washington DC to pursue graduate studies at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for studies on Marriage and Family. Her love of working in healthcare as well as for beginning and end of life issues led her to specialize in Biotechnology and Ethics within her MA in Theology. Megan most of all loves her family, living life in community, admiring nature, and learning new and beautiful things.
Morgan Holliger
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After receiving her BA in English at Bowling Green State University, Morgan moved to Washington D.C. to study at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute where she obtained a Master of Theological Studies in Marriage and Family and is currently studying for her PhD. Morgan is a convert to the Catholic faith, which she largely credits to her encounter with Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body in her senior year of high school. She has been involved in ministry since college, most notably serving as a co-host alongside Megan Burwell of a young adult group in Bowling Green, OH entitled "TOB Tuesday", which focused on studying the themes of the Theology of the Body. In her free time, Morgan loves music and singing, cooking and good conversations with friends.
35. TOB and Child Development | Learning Love Through Education
How does education fit into the world of Theology of the Body (TOB)? In this episode we discuss the importance of child development, the impact and power of education, and how children learn to love. We approach this topic through the lens of TOB with our own personal experiences as educators and child-development specialists. Addressing issues such as "Attachment Theory", bringing joy and fun into your relationship with your child, and how to create a safe environment where a child can flourish and become a positive impact in the world.
34. The Burden of Pregnancy vs Personal Freedom
Is pregnancy really just a burden on women? What is wrong with having the freedom to choose what you do with your own body? Megan and Morgan take a deep dive into the concept of personal autonomy, our right to choice vs the right to life, and how the teachings of the Church affect our view of womanhood and pregnancy.
33. The Meaning of Existence | How TOB Connects us to God w/ Tom Hagerty
Megan is joined by her friend, Tom Hagerty, to discusses how Theology of the Body has impacted his life, his Catholic faith, and why sharing its message is so important for youth ministry. They discuss what it means to have an adequate anthropology, understanding your own existence, and how TOB connects us to God.
32. Theology of the Body Q&A: Sex, Cohabitation, and Other Things
Is Cohabitation always wrong? Why save sex for marriage? Megan and Morgan answer real life questions from their viewers on topics such as cohabitation, technology and the family, and the relationship between sex and marriage, all through the lens of Theology of the Body.
31. From Suspicion to Love
Megan and Morgan unpack the very common experience of suspicion, or in more contemporary terms, “catastrophizing”, in our relationships with others. They delve into this heavily psychological topic from a Christian perspective, proposing that the way out of a constant state of suspicion is through allowing God to heal the wounds that created our suspicion in the first place. Ultimately, they give some insight into how we can move from a “paradigm of suspicion” to a “paradigm of love”.
30. Reproductive Technology: In Vitro Fertilization, Blade Runner, and The Catholic Perspective
Does it matter how human beings come into existence? What is the real difference between natural conception and technologies such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)? This episode dives into the Church's view on reproduction, the natural process vs technology, and how Blade Runner 2049 exemplifies our desire to know where we come from.
29. Contraception vs Natural Family Planning: What's the Difference?
Is there really a big difference between types of Contraception and Natural Family Planning (NFP) as methods to avoid pregnancy? John Paul II's teaching on the language of the body reveals that it all comes down to how each one views humanity. Through this episode we discuss how NFP views and respects the body, abstinence vs taking a pill, and the language we speak with our physical actions.
28. Why We Love The Theology Of The Body: The Culture Project Part 2
Megan continues her conversation with Culture Project missionaries, Alex and Caroline, about the importance of the Theology Of The Body. They share about the profound impact it has had on their their identities, their understanding of sexuality, and their relationships.
27. Love on a Mission: The Culture Project Part 1
Megan is joined by Alex Ross and Caroline Anderson, two missionaries with a Theology of the Body outreach called "The Culture Project". The missionaries explain how TOB has shaped their understanding of human dignity, relationships, sexuality, and the Catholic Church. Their testimonies give an exciting witness to the Theology of the Body and the journey it can take us on in our lives!
26. Beauty, Integrity, and TOB ft. Monica Ashour
Morgan and Megan welcome guest Monica Ashour, founder and president of the Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET) in Irving, TX. Monica shares her wisdom and insight about the BEAUTY and integrity found in TOB in a way that is relatable and inspiring.
25. BIOETHICS and Human Life Ft. Julia Palmieri
Megan and Morgan are joined by Julia (Bolzon) Palmieri, a Ph.D. student of Bioethics at the JPII Institute. The ladies discuss ethical treatment of human life in light of modern medicine and technology. What role should ethics play in healthcare? What is the limit of ethical practice when it comes to human life? This talk will get you thinking about the implications of issues such as euthanasia, brain death, artificial reproduction, and more.
24. The FREEDOM to Love
What does freedom mean in regards to life, love, and happiness? Join Megan and Morgan as they discuss the right way to love someone, what true freedom means, and what our choices have to do with it.
23. Eros, Agape, and The Gift of Self
Talking about EROTIC love on a Catholic podcast? Is that even legal? Don't miss this episode where we highlight two forms of love important for making a gift of self; eros and agape.
22. How Art Shapes Culture
We CRAVE beauty.
Megan and Morgan talk about the importance of art and its ability to shape our vision of the human person as gift. Artists shape a view of reality for culture and they have a responsibility to show the whole truth of the object being portrayed in their art.
Megan and Morgan give advice on how to create a culture of life with the use of good art while relearning the truths of the human person that go unsupported by current mainstream art and media.
21. Reflections on Original Solitude & Original Unity
Andrew Reinhart, host of PHYSICALLY SPIRITUAL, joins us to discuss how to strengthen our original identity and heal wounds by going back to "the beginning". He provides insights on the profound relationship between time alone with God in solitude and our ability to have whole and healthy unity with others in relationships. He proposes that man's state of original solitude and original unity are related in this way: that greater solitude leads to greater unity. This discussion will open your eyes to a beautiful path of healing the heart, forming greater unity with others, and living the Theology of the Body.
20. Joy in Suffering - Chiara Corbella Petrillo
Megan and Morgan discuss the life and witness of the young Italian woman, Chiara Corbella Petrillo. Born in the 1980’s, Chiara was a woman of our times who embraced life as a gift and the sufferings that come with it as a joy. In choosing life for her unborn children despite hopeless diagnoses she learned true peace in letting God receive her children in His time. When faced with a fatal cancer in herself while pregnant for the 3rd time, she willingly put off treatment until her son was born. Her life was short and she passed away in 2012. Chiara ultimately sacrificed her own life to protect the life of her child. Hers is a witness of simple and true heroism. The joy she bore in the midst of extreme suffering makes her story worth knowing, sharing, and emulating.
19. Marriage and the Afterlife
Megan and Morgan continue their dialogue about the redeemed state of man, particularly the notion that there will be no marriage in heaven. The natural response to this notion may be one of sadness or confusion. Yet, the meaning of this future reality does not negate the importance of married love on earth, but reveals the real purpose of marriage as a path to achieving man's destiny in union with God. We discuss ways that this knowledge can lead to a deepening of love in marriage and family life as two people live in accord with the beautiful purpose and end of marriage.
18. Virginity and the Afterlife
Megan and Morgan discuss the REDEMPTION of man. Christianity has been accused of rejecting one's life on earth for the sake of waiting for the enjoyment of the afterlife, particularly as seen through the witness of the vocation to consecrated virginity. However, John Paul II expresses that this posture of embracing the life to come when man will be in his "redeemed" state, is a positive renunciation for the sake of greater participation in the love of God here on earth. And while consecrated virginity signifies this state to come, all people are called to enjoy a foretaste of the redemption of the body now. Watch this episode to hear more!
17. The Spousal Meaning of the Body
In this episode we discuss what Pope John Paul II calls the "spousal characer" of the body. This means that man's call to love and be loved is not simply something spiritual but is written into his very flesh! Megan and Morgan get real and talk about the beauty of this teaching as well as its difficulties. Things get personal as they both address how they apply it to their own lives.
16. TOB Q and A
In this episode of Naked Without Shame, Megan and Morgan answer real questions from viewers pertaining to John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. This begins the first of many Q&A episodes that Megan and Morgan hope to have on the podcast. Check out this episode to see which questions people are asking!