49. Why You Should Become a Knight
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Audio Version
Episode Description
In this epic episode Nick interviews two members of the Knights of Columbus. David Cary and John Desmarteau get personal sharing life journeys, coming to faith, falling in love, and why they each made the valiant decision to become knights! Discover what makes this Fraternal Order of Catholic laity so enticing, what career opportunities it offers, and why all Catholic men should consider taking the pledge.
In this Catholic Weird Stuff Segment we discuss the origin story of the Knights of Columbus. Who exactly are the knights, what do they do, and how does a person join? Find out in today’s episode!
John Desmarteau
Linked in - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndesmarteaukofc/
David Cary
Episode Sponsor
The Knights of Columbus
David Cary, General Agent
Sponsor Information
Website: http://kofc.org/en/
Webinar Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_R7VHBLpKSf6w2SssUbwGTA