54. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus and Take a Pilgrimage w/ Fr. Leo

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Episode Description

LIFE is freakin BUSY sometimes and nobody knows this better than my guest, Fr. Leo Patalinghug. That's why today we are discussing the need to keep your eyes on Jesus through all circumstances and why pilgrimages are SUPER important for spiritual growth. Father reminds us that pilgrimage is a chance to literally "taste and see that the Lord is good" and if you allow yourself to accept the call, it will BLOW YOUR MIND!

Join us on our pilgrimage to Mexico this November 26 - Dec 2, 2022! https://selectinternationaltours.com/product/food-and-faith-of-mexico-november-26-december-2-2022-22ja11mxac/


Father Leo Patalinghug

Website: https://platinggrace.com

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/platinggrace

Nick De La Torre

Nick is the founder of AWAKEN Catholic and has served around the country as a musician and speaker for Dynamic Catholic, Renewal Ministries, Extraordinary Mission and Life Teen retreats, conferences, and events.


55. Life Coaching and Pregnancy Support w/ Lauren Loboda


53. Mike Mangione Steals the Show: His Life, Faith, and Near Death Experience