44. Intellect, Faith, and Money

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Audio Version

Episode Description

In this fascinating broad-topic episode Nick interviews hosts of the New Polity podcast, Marc Barnes and Jacob Imam. The three discuss everything from personal journeys to the faith, the relationship between intellect and “knowing” someone, to having a debate on the value of crypto currency. Find out what makes Marc and Jacob the perfect guests for today’s show and why their podcast is worth checking out.

In this Catholic Weird Stuff Segment we discuss usury. We define what it is and why the Catholic Church has always opposed it. Should we still be against lending and borrowing for the purpose of gaining interest? And how do we move away from something that has become a cornerstone of Western society?


Find Newpolity

Website: https://newpolity.com/

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/New-Polity-102223944910942

Marc Barnes on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badcatholicblog

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5rlAYHqhHtYGbPwR6C_Odw

Newpolity Twitter: https://twitter.com/PostliberalTho1?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

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Nick De La Torre

Nick is the founder of AWAKEN Catholic and has served around the country as a musician and speaker for Dynamic Catholic, Renewal Ministries, Extraordinary Mission and Life Teen retreats, conferences, and events.


45. The Measure of True Discipleship w/ Hector Molina


43. "Beauty Matters and You Want It" w/ Adri Estrada @ MOMENTUM’21 CMN Conference