65. Annulment, True Love, and the Book the Devil Didn’t Want Published w/ Kathleen & Troy Billings

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Episode Description

Nick interviews Kathleen and Troy Billings, the authors of the new book for married couples called “Simply Love”. They share their amazing love story, including both marrying the wrong people. They talk annulments, reconnecting, weekly adoration as a couple, the importance of keeping God at the center of their marriage, and how the devil tried to stop their book before it could be published.

In this CATHOLIC WEIRD STUFF segment we discuss CONTRACEPTION. What constitutes contraception, why the Church forbids it, and the beauty of marital love being completely open to God’s will.


“Simply Love” Book by Kathleen and Tory Billings

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Nick De La Torre

Nick is the founder of AWAKEN Catholic and has served around the country as a musician and speaker for Dynamic Catholic, Renewal Ministries, Extraordinary Mission and Life Teen retreats, conferences, and events.


66. Discover Your Vocation and Find Peace w/ David Billings


64. Pregnancy, Loss, and Comfort for Grieving Parents w/ Kelly Gerken