Presented by AWAKEN Catholic
Featuring presentations by
Dr. John Wood
What are people saying
about Dr. John Wood’s
presentations and books?
about Dr. John Wood’s
presentations and books?
Meet the Presenter
John R. Wood
Dr. John R. Wood is an eye doctor and the author of three books, including “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission: 5 Steps to Winning the War Within”. It has been one of Dynamic Catholic’s bestselling books, with over 240,000 copies distributed to date. He has spoken at hundreds of parishes and schools across the country.

The Need
25% Decrease in Parish Religious Education
21% Decrease in Catholic School Attendance
31% Decrease in Baptism of Infants
45% Decrease in Baptism of Adults
43% Decrease in Sacramental Catholic Marriages
85% of Confirmation Students leave faith within 10 years
Sources: Georgetown Univ and Dynamic Catholic (stats since the year 2000)

Our Results
63% of parents say they rarely or never go to confession before the retreat, but
95% say they will go to confession after retreat
95% say they will be more active in faith after the retreat

Retreat Testimonials
“I just wanted to say thank you for this morning. Maddie and I logged on to watch the (Sanctifeyed) confirmation retreat and slowly my husband and oldest son ventured into the room to watch with us. John gave a powerful message that kept us all engaged and sparked great conversations. I can’t explain to you enough how truly wonderful this morning was for us. I feel empowered as a follower of Christ and my faith is renewed. What a beautiful day to be alive!”
Rachel K. (mom of Confirmation candidate)
“What an amazing retreat!! Dr. John was amazing. Mia took away to be the best version of herself and ask for God to be their for her and he will provide. She wants to tell everyone to praise God as he provides.”
Jen T. (mom of Confirmation candidate)
“What a fabulous confirmation retreat! We participated virtually and must say all of you did great job! The various camera angles, sound quality, content, information for participating in the at home student portion...all well done!
I greatly look forward to the retreats because I, too, walk away with something new and inspiring every time! Once again you delivered! Thank you!”
Kristen (mom of Confirmation candidate)

Book Testimonials
Testimonials about the book used in the followup Sanctifeyed Challenge, “Where There’s a Will There’s a Way”
“Our youth NEED books like this. And the fact that it incorporates so much "sports" - will get kids to pick it up and stay interested in it. Even if they aren't completely on board with everything in their Faith life...this might be exactly what they need to get them asking questions and re-ignited. Who knows how the Holy Spirit will use it to win souls for Christ?!?!?”
Matthew Roessner
9th grade Religion Teacher, Fort Recovery, OH
“This is the first book I read from cover to cover in a very long time…My time and energy are limited. However, there is an adrenaline that came to me as I found time to read a chapter or two. Last Sunday I was talking to an accomplished high school cross country runner about the book. He was engaged and interested. What a beautiful blend of sports, wisdom, perspiration, and grace.”
Fr. Paul Fahrbach
Pastor of Holy Trinity Parish Bucyrus, OH and St. Joseph Parish in Galion, OH
“I LOVE this book!!!!! It reminds me of the movie Rudy! It weaves common Catholic practices throughout without the reader really knowing they are being 'taught'. My favorite character is the mom!! As a mom myself, it gives me great inspiration to keep doing what I'm doing for my family, but also step it up a notch.”
Lindsay Caron
Founder of the family faith formation apostolate Little Way Family Faith Formation, Portland, Oregon. Author of the book, “The Little Way for Parents of Little Ones”
“I truly enjoyed reading this story! It’s a great story, one I think young readers will appreciate. It expresses very well the dilemma many youth find themselves in, the pull of our world and humanity and our higher calling. It also nicely integrated the theme/purpose/gifts/graces of Confirmation and skillfully showed how the gifts of the Holy Spirit could be used in ‘real life.’”
Pat Krause
Pastoral Associate for St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, Norwalk, OH
“This is really a fantastic book that I think a lot of people will like. This taught me a great lesson and I will definitely apply this in the future.”
Gavin M.
8th grader preparing for Confirmation
“The detail and excitement is amazing. It almost feels like you’re there!”
Olivia E.
8th grader preparing for Confirmation

What’s Included?
5 Video Sessions
The Power of Sacramental Grace
Our Story and The Love of the Father
Life’s 4 Most Important Questions
The Holy Spirit’s Gifts that Make us Saints!
The Sanctifeyed Challenge
BONUS: Interactive Confirmation Jeopardy Game!
25 weekly followup emails
A Deep Roots Video Series for parents in which John and Kristin Wood share ideas, resources, and advice on building deep roots of faith in the home.
A Sanctifeyed Challenge Video Series for Confirmandi in which John Wood will lead students through his story, Where There is a Will There is a Way. (See testimonials above about this awesome story!)
The Knights of Columbus “Into the Breach” Video series for men
Free downloadable & streamable resources
Including 6 bonus presentations from Dr. John Wood & Nick De La Torre'’s live presentations
Exclusive list of highly discounted and free recommended resources
Including a beautiful wooden crucifix for each family!
Learn how to get Sanctifeyed
at NO COST to your parish!
We have teamed with many local KofC councils.
Please share this video with your local council.
We are confident they will help fund most if not
all of your retreat costs!
Link to share:
Sign Up
If you are signing up as an individual or for your own household, please select the “Single Family” option.
If you are signing up as a parish, please make your selection based on the size of your Sacramental preparation class.
Single Family
$40 / 1 year
Class Size up to 25
$300 / 1 year
Class Size 26-50
$400 / 1 year
$500 / 1 year