16. Ladies Edition #sisterhood

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Society tells us to be better. Dress better, look better, date better, etc. But did you know God created you the way you are for a reason? And He also wants you to be better. But He wants you to be the better version of yourself, not the better version society is pushing for. So let’s work together, not against each other, ladies.

Know you are seen, known, and loved. If you are struggling with loving yourself and need to talk, Lauren and Athena are more than happy to talk!

Athena Getsi, Lauren Strauss, Fr. David Kidd

QuaranTEEN wants teens to feel seen, heard, and loved. Join Lauren, Athena and Father Kidd as they dive into deep topics about the faith and challenge you to go deeper into your own personal relationship with Jesus!


17. Why the Church Matters!


15. Ringing in the New Year