13. Faith over Fear

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The phrase "Faith over Fear" tends to be a popular saying and can be found on stickers, apparel, etc. In this episode, we want to approach this well-known saying at a new angle, exploring what it truly means for us to be more faithful and overcome the fear that so easily creeps in.

Sometimes we feel alone in what we're going through and can't see an end. We aren't the only ones that let fear take over our faith though. Turn to scripture and you will find countless disciples and other faith figures who fell victim to just that. Before you let fear take over, trust in the Lord and be reminded of Jesus's words as Peter began to sink trying to walk on water... "O you of little faith"

Athena Getsi, Lauren Strauss, Fr. David Kidd

QuaranTEEN wants teens to feel seen, heard, and loved. Join Lauren, Athena and Father Kidd as they dive into deep topics about the faith and challenge you to go deeper into your own personal relationship with Jesus!


14. Respect


12. Be Humble