22. The Radioactive Cross feat. Percoustix

Arguably the biggest rock band of the last decade, Imagine Dragons have reached a generation with their eclectic style and raw, yet spiritual lyrics. David McHugh, inventor of Percoustix, joins us to jam and unpack some of their biggest songs. We hit some big themes: - Depression and chronic pain - The radioactive cross of Christ - failed dreams and disillusionment - Does the Church create saints or demons? - The key to intimacy - Is life what you make or is it up to fate? - the bravery of quitting - The most offensive thing ever - and of course, Mike singing songs out of his range

Video Version

Audio Version


Imagine Dragons Website: https://www.imaginedragonsmusic.com/ 

Spotify Playlist with all the songs we talked about and more

Mike Tenney

Mike is a worship leader, speaker, writer, husband, and father. He is passionate about helping Catholics all over the country to help find peace and purpose in the love, mission, and Church of Jesus Christ.


23. John Mayer’s Path of Repentance


21. The Greatest Hits