69. Purity Culture & Social Media w/ The Swaffords

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Episode Description

This is def a PG-13 episode so don’t listen to this with young ears around.

Hook up Culture vs Purity Culture? Sex Positivity vs Chastity? Dr Andrew & Sarah Swafford join us to talk about the messages regarding sex that we receive through social media and what is more harmful than helpful. This is a long episode and we cover A LOT including:

  • Do chastity talks even work?

  • What does purity culture get wrong?

  • Should the Church be more sex positive?

  • Why do women have to be the guardians of purity, modesty, and virtue?

- What about consent? Contraception? Queer people?

  • Why Christians SHOULD flirt?

Mike Tenney

Mike is a worship leader, speaker, writer, husband, and father. He is passionate about helping Catholics all over the country to help find peace and purpose in the love, mission, and Church of Jesus Christ.


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