7. “Holy” vs. “Positions” feat. Brian Greenfield

A child star turned international phenomenon drops a sexy new banger for 2020. On the surface, Justin Bieber’s “Holy” and Ariana Grande’s “Positions” share much in common. But go deeper and you find some big differences and some profound questions:
- What does “holy” feel like?
- Can you change for someone else without losing yourself?
- Is sex dirty or holy?
- Is the missionary position really part of church teaching?
- What’s harder: being married or being celibate?
Brian Greenfield (Hard As Nails Ministries, Steubenville Youth Conferences) and Mike break it down.

Video Version

Audio Version

Mike Tenney

Mike is a worship leader, speaker, writer, husband, and father. He is passionate about helping Catholics all over the country to help find peace and purpose in the love, mission, and Church of Jesus Christ.


8. Bruce Springsteen’s Hungry Heart (ft. Kevin Heider)


6. Paramore’s Hallelujah RIOT! w/ Benjamin Jude