Season 2. Ep 48. Holy Orders

This episode of Physically Spiritual explores the forgotten secret to grow in the spiritual life, the Examen Prayer.

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0:30 Support The Kick Start the Mission Campaign

2:00 John the Physically Spiritual Patron Community

6:00 Holy Orders, Stewardship, & Self-Gift

9:30 What is the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

13:00 The Rites of Holy Orders

16:30 The Effect of Ordination

18:45 Is Holy Order Physical?

22:00. Spiritual Fatherhood & Celibacy

32:45 Celibacy & Conjugal Love

49:00 How to Love Your Priest

52:15 Living Celibacy


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"The divinely instituted ecclesiastical ministry is exercised in different degrees by those who even from ancient times have been called bishops, priests, and deacons." Catholic doctrine, expressed in the liturgy, the Magisterium, and the constant practice of the Church, recognizes that there are two degrees of ministerial participation in the priesthood of Christ: the episcopacy and the presbyterate . The diaconate is intended to help and serve them. For this reason the term sacerdos in current usage denotes bishops and priests but not deacons. Yet Catholic doctrine teaches that the degrees of priestly participation (episcopate and presbyterate) and the degree of service (diaconate) are all three conferred by a sacramental act called "ordination," that is, by the sacrament of Holy Orders” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1554. -

“The ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests, and the common priesthood of all the faithful participate, "each in its own proper way, in the one priesthood of Christ." While being "ordered one to another," they differ essentially.22 In what sense? While the common priesthood of the faithful is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace --a life of faith, hope, and charity, a life according to the Spirit--, the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood. It is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians. The ministerial priesthood is a means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads his Church. For this reason it is transmitted by its own sacrament, the sacrament of Holy Orders.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1547.  -

Sacramentum Tantum - “The essential rite of the sacrament of Holy Orders for all three degrees consists in the bishop's imposition of hands on the head of the ordinand and in the bishop's specific consecratory prayer asking God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and his gifts proper to the ministry to which the candidate is being ordained.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1573. -

“As in the case of Baptism and Confirmation this share in Christ's office is granted once for all. The sacrament of Holy Orders, like the other two, confers an indelible spiritual character and cannot be repeated or conferred temporarily.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1582 -

“grace does not destroy nature but perfects it” St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I 1.8 ad2 -

Celibacy & Priesthood - “All the ordained ministers of the Latin Church, with the exception of permanent deacons, are normally chosen from among men of faith who live a celibate life and who intend to remain celibate "for the sake of the kingdom of heaven." Called to consecrate themselves with undivided heart to the Lord and to "the affairs of the Lord," they give themselves entirely to God and to men. Celibacy is a sign of this new life to the service of which the Church's minister is consecrated; accepted with a joyous heart celibacy radiantly proclaims the Reign of God.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1579. -

“I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord.  But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction.   If anyone thinks he is behaving improperly toward his virgin, and if a critical moment has come and so it has to be, let him do as he wishes. He is committing no sin; let them get married.  The one who stands firm in his resolve, however, who is not under compulsion but has power over his own will, and has made up his mind to keep his virgin, will be doing well.  So then, the one who marries his virgin does well; the one who does not marry her will do better.  A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whomever she wishes, provided that it be in the Lord.  She is more blessed, though, in my opinion, if she remains as she is, and I think that I too have the Spirit of God.” 1 Corinthinas 7: 32 - 40 -

“Chastity includes an apprenticeship in self-mastery which is a training in human freedom. The alternative is clear: either man governs his passions and finds peace, or he lets himself be dominated by them and becomes unhappy. "Man's dignity therefore requires him to act out of conscious and free choice, as moved and drawn in a personal way from within, and not by blind impulses in himself or by mere external constraint. Man gains such dignity when, ridding himself of all slavery to the passions, he presses forward to his goal by freely choosing what is good and, by his diligence and skill, effectively secures for himself the means suited to this end." Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2339 -

At time 28:45 I could not recall the name of Dr. Suzanne Baars.  See the recording series the “Abode of Love” for her teaching on her father Dr. Conrad Baars and his colleague Dr. Anna Turrewe’s work -

“The virtue of chastity blossoms in friendship. It shows the disciple how to follow and imitate him who has chosen us as his friends, who has given himself totally to us and allows us to participate in his divine estate.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2347 -

Solitude | Physically Spiritual S2 E10 -

Matrimony | Physically Spiritual S2 E 20

“The person is free to be love without having to make love.” - Dr. Suzanne Baars, “The Abode of Love: Developing the Heart” -

“the priest’s life ought to radiate this spousal character which demands that he be a witness to Christ’s spousal love, and thus be capable of loving people with a heart which is new, generous, and pure” St. John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis, 22. -

“Invite your priests into your life, not to be someone for you, but to be someone with you.”

Andrew Reinhart

Andrew is the Parish Manager at Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio and has spent more than a decade in full time ministry. He holds a MA in Catholic Thought from St. Meinrad School of Theology and a BA in philosophy from the Pontifical College Josephinum.

Season 2. Ep 49. The Dark Nights


Season 2. Ep 47. Exercise