Season 3. Ep 58. A Somatic Approach to Virtue
Video Version
Audio Version
0:30 My Trauma Story
4:00 Dr. Peter Levine’s Findings
9:00 Somatic Experiencing
10:45 9 Steps of Somatic Experiencing
22:00 Trauma First Aid
25:30 A Standard Approach to Virtue
28:00. A Somatic Approach to Virtue
Episode Description
This episode of Physically Spiritual proposes a body based approach to overcoming vice that is inspired by a process for trauma recovery called Somatic Experiencing.
Dr. Peter Levine -
Somatic Experiencing -
Introduction to Somatic Experiencing -
Find a SE Practitioner -
9 Steps of SE
Establish an environment of relative safety.
Support initial exploration and acceptance of sensation.
Establish “pendulation” and containment: the innate power of rhythm.
Use titration to create increasing stability, resilience and organization. Titration is about carefully touching into the smallest “drop” of survival-based arousal, and other difficult sensations, to prevent retraumatization.
Provide a corrective experience by supplanting the passive responses of collapse and helplessness with active, empowered, defensive responses.
Separate or “uncouple” the conditioned association of fear and helplessness from the (normally time-limited but now maladaptive) biological immobility response.
Resolve hyperarousal states by gently guiding the “discharge” and redistribution of the vast survival energy mobilized for life-preserving action while freeing that energy to support higher-level brain functioning.
Engage self-regulation to restore “dynamic equilibrium” and relaxed alertness.
Orient to the here and now, contact the environment and reestablish the capacity for social engagement.
Tips for trauma first aid -
Typical program to grow in virtue:
Try Harder - The myth of willpower
Read a book - if the first book didn’t help, chances are the second book will not make much of a difference - Gnosticism
Avoid the near occasion - The illusion of control - We are dependent and vulnerable
Talk to a priest - limited opportunity
A Somatic Approach to grow in Virtue
Grow the capacity to become aware of bodily sensations (Interoception)
Develop skills to change how you feel (Breathing, Movement, Music, etc.)
Relationships (Physical & Emotional Reciprocity)
Communal Rhythms/Synchrony (Play, Chant, Liturgy, etc.)
Safe and appropriate Physical Touch
Take Action - stress hormones are our bodies attempt to equip us to face difficulties
Learn to use this energy for action
Need to be able to return to safety