Ep12. Imperfect Hospitality Pt. 1


Audio Version

Episode Description

Elevate messy hospitality! Imperfect hospitality is the way we are going to get back our parishes, revive the role of the laity, and fulfill the desire for friendship. In this introductory episode on hospitality, JonMarc and Teresa share a bit about how the hospitality of fellow Christians opened their hearts to intentionally living hospitality. This is Part 1 of many future episodes on hospitality.



“Building the Benedict Option: A Guide to Gathering Two or Three Together in His Name” by Leah Libresco https://www.amazon.com/Building-Benedict-Option-Gathering-Together/dp/1621642178


A few articles by Leah Libresco on “Third Spaces”:

"Learning to Linger in Leisure Spaces” https://ethikapolitika.org/2015/01/14/learning-linger-leisure-spaces

"Settling Into Our Sociable Third Places” https://www.patheos.com/blogs/unequallyyoked/2015/01/settling-into-our-sociable-third-places.html

Free Meal Train website: https://www.mealtrain.com

One for Potlucks, too: https://www.mealtrain.com/learn/potluck/


3:29 - Problem with parish “programs”

6:23 - “Third Spaces” that build real fellowship

10:19 - How do you build adult friendships

11:45 - Quantity time as a “Third Space”

16:00 - Teresa’s journey to beginning a mom’s group

19:09 - Set the standards LOW

23:13 - Meal Trains

26:28 - Giving someone the opportunity to serve you

27:29 - Men’s groups

31:19 - Take the initiative

33:40 - Practical steps

Jon Marc & Teresa Grodi

Teresa is a member of the Body of Christ, a wife, and a mother of five. She was born, raised, and resides in the Diocese of Toledo, OH. Teresa received her B.A. and M.A. in History at Bowling Green State University, where she met her husband JonMarc. She has been involved in ministry in many capacities and currently organizes pilgrimages for Catholic Faith Journeys. Teresa and JonMarc love to take walks and to discuss faith, philosophy, culture, food, the Domestic Church, the Feminine Genius, and the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy, among other things.

JonMarc is the Chief Operating Officer of the Coming Home Network International and has been interviewed on EWTN programs such as Life on the Rock and The Journey Home, as well as various radio programs. A graduate student of philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville, JonMarc resides in Perrysburg, OH, with his wife and five young children.  Some of his favorite topics for discussion & writing are the nature of religious faith, aesthetics, Catholic Social Teaching, the writings of G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien, and various intersections of philosophy and theology in family life. You can connect with JonMarc via the Coming Home Network, on social media, or where he occasionally writes at www.RestatementOfTheObvious.com.


Ep13. The Office - with Leah Darrow


11. Not a Tame Lion - Understanding Fear of the Lord