Presented by AWAKEN Catholic
Featuring presentations by
Dr. John Wood and his family
What are people saying
about Dr. John Wood’s
presentations and books?
about Dr. John Wood’s
presentations and books?
Meet the Presenters
John and Kristin Wood and Family
Dr. John R. Wood is an eye doctor and the author of three books, including “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission: 5 Steps to Winning the War Within”. It has been one of Dynamic Catholic’s bestselling books, with over 240,000 copies distributed to date. He has spoken at hundreds of parishes and schools across the country.
John and his wife Kristin have a deep passion and love for the Catholic faith. Their dedication to the faith earned them the 2011 Centurion Award from the Diocese of Toledo, given for “Outstanding service to their parish.” Kristin is certified in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd education model which she uses to teach the 2nd grade sacramental year.

The Need
Parents have more sway over the religious lives of their children than is often perceived. While many churches have focused on the educational content of Sunday school, youth group meetings, and small group Bible studies, the study suggests that the "hidden curriculum" of parental lives is the most powerful religious curriculum of all.
The National Study of Youth and Religion (University of Notre Dame and North Carolina Researchers, 2001-2015)
Seventy-four percent [of adults] said they stopped identifying as Catholic between ages 10 and 20, with a median age of 13.
St. Mary’s Press and Center for Applied Research (National two year study, released Jan 2018)
A child’s moral and spiritual foundations are mostly formed by age 9.
Barna Research
Half of US Catholics don’t know the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Real Presence.
Pew Research: “What Americans Know About Religion” released July 23, 2019
71% of US Catholics don’t believe in the Real Presence
Pew Research: “What Americans Know About Religion” released July 23, 2019
37% of Catholics who attend church WEEKLY still don’t believe in the Real Presence.
Pew Research: “What Americans Know About Religion” released July 23, 2019

Our Results
63% of parents say they rarely or never go to confession before the retreat, but
95% say they will go to confession after retreat
95% say they will be more active in faith after the retreat

Retreat Testimonials
“This was AMAZINGLY! Impressive…
Great job and Thank you!”
A dad who reports that before the retreat he believed the Eucharist was “just a symbol of Jesus” and only goes to mass “Most holidays and a few other times a year.
“I enjoyed this. I was not interested in coming but so glad I did. Would be interested in coming again and bringing my husband and Catholic friends who I know don’t attend mass often.”
A mom who reports only going
to Mass most holidays and possibly a few other times a year
“The dragon slayer theme was a great way to get the children engaged…my son was apprehensive about today but he has really enjoyed the day. I also felt today was very eye-opening and helpful to get me on the right path to helping my family
’know God’!”
A mom who reports only going to mass “monthly” and before the retreat believed the Eucharist was just a symbol.
“It is inspiring to see this all work and mix together as a family event.”
A mom of a 2nd grader
“It was beyond my greatest hope. I know that several parents who had not been attending mass with their child made a lengthy confession. This retreat has truly served to give me great HOPE for the future of my grandson.”
A grandmother attending with her grandson
“John was a great and inspiring speaker to the adults! Kristin did awesome with the children!”
A mom who reports only going to mass “monthly” and before the retreat believed the Eucharist was just a symbol.
“Thought I had better things to do, turns out they can wait. Had a great time and feel better about myself. Very inspiring.”
A dad of a 2nd grader

What’s Included?
8 Video Sessions
Becoming a Dragon Slayer
The Light of the World
The Prodigal Son
The Examination of Conscience
Jesus is the Bread of Life
A Message for Parents
The Family Challenge
Initiation into the Order of Dragon Slayers
BONUS: Dragon Slayers interactive Jeopardy Game!
25 weekly followup emails
A Deep Roots Video Series for parents in which John and Kristin Wood share ideas, resources, and advice on building deep roots of faith in the home.
A Dragon Slayers Challenge for kids featuring 25 “Diving into the Mass” videos from My Catholic Kids to help the mass come alive!
The Knights of Columbus “Into the Breach” Video series for men
Free downloadable & streamable resources
Including 6 bonus presentations from Dr. John Wood & Nick De La Torre'’s live presentations
Exclusive list of highly discounted and free recommended resources
Including a beautiful wooden crucifix for each family!
Learn how to get Dragon Slayers
at NO COST to your parish!
We have teamed with many local KofC councils.
Please share this video with your local council.
We are confident they will help fund most if not
all of your retreat costs!
Link to share:
Sign Up
If you are signing up as an individual or for your own household, please select the “Single Family” option.
If you are signing up as a parish, please make your selection based on the size of your Sacramental preparation class.
Single Family
$40 / 1 year
Class Size up to 25
$300 / 1 year
Class Size 26-50
$400 / 1 year
$500/ 1 year