Awake the Ache

Joel & Kate Feldpausch
Awake the Ache is a show dedicated to the human heart’s desire for more. The yearning we experience daily - for all kinds of things - is a yearning musicians, artists, poets, authors, and the Saints have explored for millennia. Search deeper with Joel and Kate into how our daily life hints at our own exploration of this ache.

Do Priests Still Have the Ache for Sexual Intimacy?
Father Derik Peterman dives into the ache for intimacy as a celibate. Joel and Kate learn a little about what priests really want to tell their parishioners, and what absolving twisted sexual sins feels like from the Priest’s point of view.

Baby Makin’ Ache in Engagement
Engagement SUCKS! But there is a silver-lining. Joel & Kate sit down with Josh Ginepro to talk about his recent engagement to a wonderful woman, and how much engagement creates a struggle. What do engaged couples do with the ache to be one flesh? It is so close and yet so far…

The Ache for Baby Makin’
A new series about the ache for baby makin’! Is there something deeper there? What is it? And how do we handle it when it falls short?

The Ache for Beauty Part 2: Dance
Kate and Joel sit down with a professional ballerina to discuss why dance draws us toward beauty. Why do all young girls want to be ballerinas? What happens when we lose our ability to dance without shame? Kaila gives us a glimpse into the struggles of the ballet world, and helps us appreciate even more the beauty of dance!

The Ache for Beauty Part 1: Music
Joel and Kate discuss the Ache with Nick and Alina De La Torre - the New Evangelization’s hottest couple. The ache for fulfillment and especially the ache for beauty are relevant topics Nick and Alina tackle daily in their ministry.

What is the Ache?
Joel and Kate discuss what the aches within our hearts are, what they mean, and where they come from.