13. Integration and Holiness with Dr. Greg Bottaro

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Show Notes

Gregory Bottaro, Psy.D

The Catholic Psych Institute - https://www.catholicpsych.com/

The Integrated Life Community - https://info.integrated.life/information31949162

The Mindful Catholic Classroom - https://pages.catholicpsych.com/sales-page1584835083824

The Mindful Catholic (Book) - https://dynamiccatholic.com/the-mindful-catholic-hardcover

Sitting Like a Saint (Book) - https://www.amazon.com/Sitting-Like-Saint-Catholic-Mindfulness/dp/1635820537

Counselors at the Catholic Psych Institute - https://www.catholicpsych.com/about-us

“Now we must look ahead, we must "put out into the deep", trusting in Christ's words: Duc in altum! [...] the experiences we have had should inspire in us new energy, and impel us to invest in concrete initiatives the enthusiasm which we have felt. Jesus himself warns us: "No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" (Lk 9:62). In the cause of the Kingdom there is no time for looking back, even less for settling into laziness.” St. John Paul II, NOVO MILLENNIO INEUNTE, 15.

Andrew Reinhart

Andrew is the Parish Manager at Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio and has spent more than a decade in full time ministry. He holds a MA in Catholic Thought from St. Meinrad School of Theology and a BA in philosophy from the Pontifical College Josephinum.


14. The Body Is a Garden


12. The Tiger in Your Inbox