13. Integration and Holiness with Dr. Greg Bottaro
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Gregory Bottaro, Psy.D
The Catholic Psych Institute - https://www.catholicpsych.com/
The Integrated Life Community - https://info.integrated.life/information31949162
The Mindful Catholic Classroom - https://pages.catholicpsych.com/sales-page1584835083824
The Mindful Catholic (Book) - https://dynamiccatholic.com/the-mindful-catholic-hardcover
Sitting Like a Saint (Book) - https://www.amazon.com/Sitting-Like-Saint-Catholic-Mindfulness/dp/1635820537
Counselors at the Catholic Psych Institute - https://www.catholicpsych.com/about-us
“Now we must look ahead, we must "put out into the deep", trusting in Christ's words: Duc in altum! [...] the experiences we have had should inspire in us new energy, and impel us to invest in concrete initiatives the enthusiasm which we have felt. Jesus himself warns us: "No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" (Lk 9:62). In the cause of the Kingdom there is no time for looking back, even less for settling into laziness.” St. John Paul II, NOVO MILLENNIO INEUNTE, 15.